Last 27th March the ACPUA participated in the ECA (European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education) Winter Seminar held in The Hague (The Netherlands).
An ECA initiative, coordinated by the Quality Agency NVAO, which, after the two years of pandemic without having presencial meetings, prepared a friendly event with its international members.
The main goal was to share an update on Higher Education European Alliances and, in particular, to discuss the relevance of using the European Approach method for quality assurance, as well as to debate the advantages and disadvantages of issuing a new European diploma or label for students.
The ACPUA, which has contributed in recent years to the quality assurance in this issue, accompanying the European University Alliance UNITA, took part (with the quality and internationalisation technician, Belén Serrano) in the 3 working groups proposed.
Some pictures of the event are attached.
The direct link to the ECA website: Winter Member’s Seminar – The European Consortium for Accreditation in Higher Education (