The event that took place on Wednesday, March 24th, 2021 was organized by the Andalusian Knowledge Agency - Management of Evaluation and Accreditation (DEVA), the University of Granada and ARQUS Alliance.
Being a radiantly topical subject, micro-credentials, their definition, development and possibilities, but also their concerns and their accommodation within the European Higher Education Area were aspects addressed by the three speakers of the seminar who were introduced by the rector of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda who defended the need to advance at European level in this new line of learning.
Klara Engels-Perenyi, as a member of the Education Commission of the European Commission, participated in the first place, reporting on the innovations and progress which are being made in this field by the European Parliament.
Maria Kelo, director of ENQA, second speaker offered a vision on the micro-credentials from the point of view of external quality, besides providing information on the work which this European Association has been carrying out.
Finally, representing the universities, Professor Henri Luchian, former vice-rector of the University "Alexandru Ioan Cuz" of Iaṣi (Romania), took part and showed, among other issues, the diversity of agents that are able to offer this type of micro-credentials, explaining the state of the question precisely from this point of view.
The seminar was attended by most of the Spanish agencies for quality assurance in higher education and a good number of representatives of Spanish universities who were also able to take part in the question and answer session.
Full information on the webinar will be published soon on the DEVA website.