First Meeting of Women and Education in Zaragoza


Cristina Rodríguez Coarasa, Director of ACPUA attended the "First Meeting of Women and Education" in Zaragoza organised by Women Leaders in Education in collaboration with the Government of Aragon and the Edelvives Foundation.

Presented by Mª Luisa Feijóo Bello, Director General of Universities of the Government of Aragon, the event is a meeting to "care for, make visible and enjoy the legacy, the present and the future that Education gives us".

Ana María Farré Gaudier, President of "Women Leaders in Education", reported on the activities carried out by this association.

There were interesting speakers and from ACPUA we congratulate the three presenters: Anabel Valera Ibáñez, specialist in leadership and educational management; Elisa Moreno, educator, humanist and hispanist and Mª Ángeles García Orós, mathematics teacher, counsellor, clinical psychologist and dance teacher. 

From ACPUA we congratulate and support the initiative of this group of women, whose objectives include giving visibility to women who work and debate on educational innovation by creating a network that gives visibility to professional women in different educational fields at an international level.

