Meeting of the ACPUA Board of Directors


Today, the ACPUA Board of Directors met for the third time this year in ordinary session to address issues of interest to the Aragonese University System.

Cristina Rodríguez Coarasa, Director of the ACPUA, presented the balance of activities carried out by the Agency in the first half of 2024 and informed the members of the Board of Directors of the status of the actions aimed at the design of the new Strategic Plan of the ACPUA 2024-2028.

On the other hand, the following agreements have been approved in this session, among others, which comply with the aims and functions of the Agency to promote the improvement of the quality of the university system of Aragon in the field of teaching and collaboration with social agents, in this case with the student body, for the exchange of synergies and the achievement of common objectives:

- Agreement between the ACPUA and ANECA for Collaboration in the Support Programme for the Evaluation of Teaching Activity (DOCENTIA).

- Framework Collaboration Agreement between the ACPUA and the Coordinating Committee of Public University Student Representatives (CREUP).

Finally, and in compliance with art. 10.c) of the ACPUA Statutes, as well as with Order HAP/482/2024, of 14 May, by which instructions are issued for the preparation of the Budget of the Autonomous Community of Aragon for the financial year 2025, the ACPUA Board of Directors has approved the 2025 Budget of the Entity.
